almost jumping


bribery and other money making tales

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My boss has been trying to bribe me to work next weekend. He says if I work on Sunday, he'll pay be $50 in addition to what I normally make. (Thats a lot of money... more than time and a half, I'd make like, $140 that day...). I have worked every weekend this summer, with the exception of the weekend I graduated, I never ask for days off, if they need me to work extra, I say yes yes yes oui oui oui. I deserve a break, don't I? Its like putting a price on my friendships/happiness. How much will it cost to make Anna Rae ditch her friends and Bumbershoot? I waffled around a bit, and finally, for once, put my foot down and said "NO!". I have been waiting all summer for this one little weekend, I can't let them take it away from me. So now they are threatening to lock me into the restaurant on Friday night. Pray for me to stay strong.

One thing that I'm excited about is that I should finally get to meet Oliver this week. Oliver is a boy from the University of Chicago who lives on an island near Seattle, he doesn't come into Seattle all that often, but everytime he does we've been trying to meet up. But I keep blowing him off... work, plans, my friends... I feel terribly guilty. I don't want him get the impression that I don't want to meet him, because honestly, there is nothing I want more than to meet someone from my school. He's coming into Seattle on Tuesday and I have to work that day (like always) so I think we'll meet early in the morning and go to a cafe or something before I go to work. I hope it actually works out this time, he seems like a cool kid.

Tomorrow I'm taking the kids I babysat all last summer to WildWaves. I was pretty much their nanny last year, driving them around, fixing them lunch and tying their shoes. Its not an easy group. The kids are awesome, but they are difficult... ages 13, 11, and 7. The 13 year old is too old for a babysitter, and he acts like an asshole to prove it to me. The 11 year old worships me so much that its past endearing and more like obnoxious. The 7 year old is cool. He's my favorite (shhh!). I wonder if I'll have the energy to get through the day.

I'm sorry I'm so dramatic, and that I say the wrong things at the wrong times.
Hey you, I may not be perfect, but at least I'm happy, and isn't that all that matters?

(and Flo, what are your plans for next week?)

Music- Rainer Maria "The Awful Truth Of Loving"

About me

  • I'm Anna Rae
  • From Tunis, Tunisia
  • A 20 year old spending the fall in Tunis, Tunisia through a program with Oregon State University.
    Pictures are on my Flickr.
  • My profile

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