So, I have found out where I'm living next year, and according to
this awesome website I will be living in pretty much the coolest, most enthusiastic house on campus. It seems like everyone is really active in school activites and has a lot of fun. I also learned that my House's offical song is "Gay Bar" by Electric Six. This song brings back such awesome memories of France for me. I know I'll love living in this place. If you are also at all interested (which you probably aren't... but anyway... you should check out pictures of it and stuff on its website right
here. And hey! The dining hall looks like the Great Hall at Hogwarts!! Sans Dec!
Tomorrow my mom and I are going to Sol Duc Hotsprings to camp for a few nights, hike a bit, swim a lot, and relax. I just can't wait to get away from the city and stop thinking about work.