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life sucks

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What is worse than a bad day? A bad day on the most beautiful day in Seattle. And a bad day following a great day. See, yesterday, I was really really happy. I'm not quite certain why. I just looked up to the sky and started smiling in the morning. I went to my first class and one of my closest friends turned to me and said "You've changed. You look so good, so happy. Stay this way." That made me feel pretty good inside, that my good mood was obvious to everyone.

Today was just the opposite. I hated the world, I'm so tired today, I work too hard at everything and I'm afraid of what will happen to me if I keep continuing at such a fast pace. I started to cheer up later in the day. Then, when I got to my car after school and looked on it, I saw that someone had drawn a huge penis on the window. I don't know what they used to do it, I think it was a hot pocket or a peice of pizza or something. Whatever, it was cheesy and nasty. It was also REALLY hot today so this big dick pretty much baked itself onto my window. And I know the asshole who did it. This other guy who parks his car near mine gives rides to this boy who is the rudest person in the world. I've never met a bigger fuck-up. He's such a nasty little druggie. I'm nice to him, I don't do anything to him at all. You know, looking back on all this, it sounds hilarious. A huge penis drawn on my window? Kinda funny actually. But it wasn't at the time, and it wasn't funny when I tried to wash it off (which took forever).

Luckily, this guy can make me laugh whenever I need to. Oh! And I finally got L'étranger in French, it came to my house in the mail today. My English class is reading the Stranger, by Camus, and I thought I should probably read it in French instead (I've already read it twice in English). Also, we're reading 1984 in Government class. So, the outlook is good. Life sucked today but I'm reading good books and I got a haircut, which always makes everything feel clean and new.

About me

  • I'm Anna Rae
  • From Tunis, Tunisia
  • A 20 year old spending the fall in Tunis, Tunisia through a program with Oregon State University.
    Pictures are on my Flickr.
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