Published Saturday, December 09, 2006 by Anna Rae.
I'm done! Everything even went relatively well! Except for calc... but I still don't even feel too bad about that. My papers were good, especially my sosc one, my French exam was awesome. And now I'm done, and I'm left with such a sense of accomplishment. I somehow handled a quarter of college, I can do this. I can't wait to see my friends, I'm so excited to go home and be in Seattle and breathe the air and hug my parents and friends. I'm going to shop, go to shows, go to the island. I can't wait to sit down and read a book for myself... as opposed to some book on sociology or economic theory. My brain is tired.
Published Friday, December 01, 2006 by Anna Rae.
1. Yourself: Stressed
2. Your spouse: eventually
3. Your hair: curly
4. Your mother: teacher
5. Your father: artist
6. Your dream last night: vivid
7. Your favorite drink: cocoa!
8. Your dream car: ferari
9. Your bedroom: bright
10. Your fear: lonliness
11. What you want to be in 10 years: europe
12. Who you hung out with last night: Ari
13. What you're not: energized
14. Muffins: jiffy
15. Time: mean
16. The last thing you did: wrote
17. What you are wearing: uncommon
18. Your favorite weather: rain
19. The last thing you ate: cheese
20. Your life: decent
21. Your mood: stressed
22. Your best friend: seattle
23. What are you thinking about right now?: Durkheim
24. Your car: mazda
25. What are you doing at the moment?: paper
26. Your summer: rough
27. Your relationship status: single
28. What is on your TV? Nothing.
29. What is the weather like? snowy
30. When is the last time you laughed? protest