almost jumping

Why I love Ohio

Road trips, playing frisbee for nine hours after one hour of sleep, amazing girls, amazing guys, running and running, having every muscle in my body scream in pain, lots of bagels, speeding tickets, the game, disney sing-a-longs, breaking the cup-o-saurus, not doing any homework at all. And this too:

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


oh yes. we stole construction tape!



Fuck you, Batch

This movie is all anyone in my house can think about. Let's get some shoes.

I need to post pictures of the trees that have been ripped out of the ground by that storm, its dreadful to see this huge old trees completely torn up at the roots.


Intense Shit.

Everything that happens here is so overwhelmingly intense. Thats the only real way to describe my past few weeks here in Chicago. Fucking intense. I've met people, made friendships, started classes, etc. And once all that happens, it all hits you.

First of all: There is a new emergency of some sort every day. The first major one happenedon Saturday, I was just settling down with my lovely Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations, written in 1776, 600 pages long...) when a girl in my house came dashing up the stairs asking us to find our RHs. A girl in my house had been hit by a truck. We ran downstairs in panic. We couldn't contact our Resident Heads (RHs), something was wrong with their phones. The ambulance came, and all sorts of other drama with extremely rude policemen commenced. She had been standing at the corner next to our dorm, waiting to cross, when a car ran a red light and hit a truck, the truck spun and hit this girl, breaking her pelvis and her femur. I finally managed to call the RA, who gave her phone to an RH. This was such a scary and frustrating day for us. Then yesterday an anemic girl collapsed at lunch and hit her head, the paramedics had to come. THEN a huge storm came and ripped through Hyde Park with a terrible fury yesterday. I'm not going to recount my entire storm experience, but, believe me, it was exciting. Now, all over campus, huge trees are lying uprooted on the quads and leaves and debris are everywhere.

Then there is the emotional intensity. People are still getting to know each other, and this leads to really frustrating and exciting times. Also, people who came to school here who still have boyfriends/girlfriends back home are either breaking up with them or spending lots of time crying and missing them. I've had to comfort more than one person this past week. Its good karma, when I need to cry, they'll hold me and tell me it'll be ok.

Of course there is also the schoolwork, that is always too much. But I'm beginning to like my classes (and get annoyed with others). Today my Hum class went to the rare books section of the library. This was an orgasmic experience for me. I love books, I love old books, and I especially like old maps. There were so many awesome maps from the 16th Century. I need to spend more time in that part of the library.

And I play frisbee a minimum of seven hours a week, so that takes up time too. In addition to that, I am the co-representative of IM sports, so I need to help organize and run all the intramural sports games that our house plays.

So, thats my little update. Off to play some frisbee!


About me

  • I'm Anna Rae
  • From Tunis, Tunisia
  • A 20 year old spending the fall in Tunis, Tunisia through a program with Oregon State University.
    Pictures are on my Flickr.
  • My profile

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